Pricing and Plans

Cyber Life Support prides ourselves on our ability and willingness to work with you to solve your computational woes. We do our best to address any of the issues, concerns, and difficulties you have with all of your technology. From recovering lost databases to helping set up accessibility options, we support you Helping Humans One Bit At A Time.

N.E.I.G.H.B.O.R.S. Subscription

$20 monthly or $200 yearly paid in full

Yearly subscription which provides access to once quarterly, half-hour appointments and 25% off on other time spent. Additionally can schedule appointments through the website calendar.

This yearly subscription comes with 4 half hour appointments spread evenly across the year, 10 Quick Solutions, a 25% discount on other appointments, and a reduction in minimum appointment time. Additionally you’ll receive greater access to the site with your account and more convenient booking options.

One of the biggest advantages of this is that we’ll know your needs, machines, and proficiency with your devices. We’ll be able to save you time in getting through any issues and help stave off serious ones by regular chats and maintenance time.


$200 per hour, minimum 1 hour appointment, charged by the hour

An appointment made by a non-subscribed client to assess and repair a software issue. Appointment made by email or phone call.

When you make an appointment with us, that means we’ll be there working with you until either the problem is solved or your scheduled time is up, your choice.

We always try to get things done as quickly and completely as possible, but rocks that have been electrocuted into doing math don’t always cooperate. Included are 2 follow up Quick Solutions.

Web Maintenance

$100 billed monthly or $900 per year, paid in full

Performing monthly routine maintenance and minor updates to the website. Major updates will require additional appointments.

This monthly subscription comes with us doing routine maintenance for your website, and you get early warning of issues cropping up that might require more work. Plus you get the same discounts as N.E.I.G.H.B.O.R.S. but for your website redesign hours.

Quick Solutions

Our quick solutions are short email chains, quick answers or short calls, or short text chats where we attempt to address your tech troubles without having to schedule and charge for full appointments. Don’t worry too much about the limits on it, we’ll let you know if it’s getting close to that point. We reserve the right to assign this designation.